Health innovation

Individuals and families


Harness the power of oxygen with Adaptive Oxygen Treatment

Oxygen provides the fuel that our cells need to produce energy and help the body perform properly.

How medical innovation is expanding the options for colorectal cancer screening

On average, colorectal cancer, which includes cancer of the large bowel (colon), and cancer of the...

5 caregiving tips: how to talk to aging parents about changing health needs

As our parents age, open and honest conversations about their changing health needs can help ensure...

Precision Health: Uncover new insights with advanced health data

Have you ever wondered what lies beneath the surface of your body? What about ways to stay healthy...

Embracing active aging to overcome #FOGO (the fear of growing older)

Aging today looks very different than it did for our parents or grandparents. Yet many people...

The value of regular preventive health assessments: A patient’s story

A Preventive Health Assessment can be a helpful way to stay accountable for your own health goals....

A test that shows how your body might react to medication

Article updated on February 8, 2024. What if there was a way to understand how you may react to...

Avoiding winter slips, falls, and injuries

Across Canada, winter weather can range from cold and wet to blustering winds and heavy snow, but...

4 tips to help prevent falls & injuries in all seasons

When a loved one is injured and has to spend time in the hospital, it can be stressful for...

5 benefits of genetic screening

Understanding our genetic makeup has come a long way in recent years. You may be wondering how the...

Are you taking your medication the right way?

Most of us have taken medication at some point in our lives, which also means we’ve likely dealt...

Managing your medication while you travel

Your trip is booked, your itinerary is set, now it’s time to pack your bags and medication. As you...

Know your risks for breast cancer

We've all heard the sobering stats: about 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.1...

Nutrigenomic testing: How your DNA can impact your diet

Have you ever wondered why people respond differently to certain foods? Nutrigenomics is the...

Supporting the journey toward better health outcomes

Supporting the journey toward better health outcomes for employers and employees in Canada I’m the...

3 ways technology is helping us manage our prescriptions

Technology is everywhere and has changed how we communicate, work, learn and relax. It is also...