Harness the power of oxygen with Adaptive Oxygen Treatment

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Oxygen provides the fuel that our cells need to produce energy and help the body perform properly.

Now there’s an emerging treatment that may help your body use oxygen more effectively and efficiently. Adaptive Oxygen Treatment is gaining attention for early evidence that it may support: 

What is Adaptive Oxygen Treatment?

Adaptive Oxygen Treatment is the name of TELUS Health’s latest wellbeing service, which uses a machine, or pod, called Cyclic Variations in Adaptive Conditioning or CVACTM. CVAC pod

Nadine Sinnen, UBC Master of Science in Kinesiology graduate and Clinic Manager at TELUS Health Care Centre, shared her knowledge of this new service. 

“CVAC works by changing the air pressure rapidly in quick succession to simulate variations in altitude upwards of 22,500 feet, nearing the height of the tallest mountain in the world,” she says. 

Unlike hyperbaric chambers, CVAC pods do not use any actual oxygen gas. Only the pressure changes.  “The percentage of oxygen you breathe is never altered while you’re in the pod.”

What is it like inside the pod?

You can sit back and relax as the pod goes through its cyclic variations. Inside the pod, air is drawn out, creating a low-pressure environment, making the air thinner and cooler. Fresh, filtered air is rapidly returned making the air feel a little warmer. 

During your 20-minute session, you can read, check your phone and even sleep if you like! You may experience a bit of ear discomfort due to altitude changes, similar to what you feel during takeoff and landing on a flight.  Your TELUS Health team member will review ear-clearing techniques with you prior to the session to help you adjust to the changes. The pod is never locked, and you may leave at any time if you feel uncomfortable.

A specially trained TELUS Health team member will guide and support you throughout your entire session.

How many sessions are required to see results?

In available studies, participants saw effects after repeated uses over periods of time ranging from three weeks to six weeks or longer.

What is the difference between CVAC and a hyperbaric chamber?

A hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a therapy that increases levels of oxygen within a pressurized chamber for the medical treatment of 14 known conditions in Canada. The CVAC device cycles through a series of 200-500 pressure changes frequently and maintains the same oxygen levels throughout.

Who would benefit from Adaptive Oxygen Treatment?

“Adaptive Oxygen treatment is a tool that may be useful for those looking to condition their bodies for fitness, reduce pain, or address other physical concerns such as blood pressure and glucose management. Overall, it may be beneficial for those looking to enhance their overall sense of wellbeing," says Sinnen.

For more information about Adaptive Oxygen Treatment, or to book an appointment at TELUS Health Care Centre in Vancouver Nelson, visit telushealth.com/oxygen.