Perimenopause and menopause symptoms and causes: 5 expert tips to navigate this life transition


What if one day you woke up and your body seemed to be speaking a new language?  Hot flashes that catch you off guard, a foggy mind that feels unfamiliar, and mood swings that leave you feeling like a stranger in your own skin.

Welcome to the world of perimenopause and menopause – a natural transition that affects millions of women worldwide. But here's the good news: you're not alone, and you're certainly not powerless.

Demystifying the change: What is really happening?

Perimenopause usually starts in your 40s (sometimes even 30s) when you notice changes in the length and flow of your menstrual cycle. You might also start experiencing some classic menopause symptoms during this time. Menopause officially begins when you've gone a full year without a period, typically between ages 45 and 55, and marks the end of your reproductive years.

Certain illnesses and autoimmune conditions, as well as cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy, can trigger menopause to happen earlier than usual.

Your perimenopause and menopause toolkit: 5 expert tips

While the symptoms can be challenging, they’re easily manageable with the right approach. Let’s explore five ways to manage symptoms during this natural part of aging:

1. Talk to your care team

Understanding and managing perimenopause and menopause symptoms often requires expert guidance. There are various options for alleviating symptoms, ranging from hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to non-pharmacological approaches. The question is whether you require treatment, and which method makes the most sense.

TELUS Health Care Centres gives you easy access to clinicians so you can talk through and understand the challenges you’re experiencing, and then take the next steps towards helping overcome them — whether that means conducting blood work or exploring treatment options, like creating a personalized nutrition plan and developing an exercise program, to help you address your bother some symptoms.

2. Eat a balanced diet and get exercise

Our team of experts are here to support you through this transitional period. Our dietitians create customized meal plans and guide intuitive eating, while kinesiologists design personalized strength training programs. These tailored approaches improve bone density, reduce osteoporosis risk, boost energy and effectively manage menopause symptoms, supporting your overall health and wellbeing.

3. Get enough sleep

Menopausal hormonal changes can disrupt sleep. Improve your rest by sticking to a sleep schedule, getting outdoor time daily, avoiding late caffeine and screen time, and creating a cool, dark bedroom.

Consider completing a Wellbeing Assessment for personalized insights and strategies to help you manage menopause symptoms and improve overall health. With a brief online survey and a 30-minute virtual chat, you can get insights into your sleep, stress, burnout, relationships and more. 

4. Make your schedule work for you

Everyone benefits from having more autonomy in their day, but it can make an even bigger difference when you’re experiencing symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. To that end, flexibility is key.

Consider introducing some flexibility into your schedule so you can take time to rest and recover when your symptoms flare up. No commitment or obligation is more crucial than your health and wellbeing.

5. Create your self-care strategy

A Preventive Health Assessment provides the personalized care you need to develop a self-care strategy, including expert consultations, tailored nutrition and exercise plans, and strategies to help you improve your sleep, stress and overall wellbeing.

Ready to navigate life’s changes with confidence?

Get a Preventive Health Assesment for expert guidance to navigate this natural transition.

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