Simplify your insurance claims

By Vanessa Hirschl, TELUS Health

Pharmacists and dentists have been making our lives easier for a long time now by submitting our claims directly to our insurers. With technology becoming increasingly prevalent, the good news is that this service is now available for a much broader range of healthcare services, including physiotherapy, massage therapy, optometry and chiropractic, to name a few. Most healthcare professionals have the tools they need to submit claims on your behalf quickly, easily and there is no cost to you nor them.

The results are in.

A recent survey with healthcare professionals across Canada revealed that the top reason why they don’t bill insurers on your behalf1 is because customers simply don’t ask for direct billing1. Yet, two thirds of these healthcare professionals are set up for direct billing2, but many don’t offer it to all of their patients because they aren’t asked to do so. So don’t be shy to ask.

The benefits are clear.

It reduces your out of pocket expenses, is convenient, it helps reduce paper and it’s free. So why not give it a try.

1. It’s free.

Direct billing services such as eClaims are free for healthcare professionals and their clients. Seriously. Free to register and free to use.

2. It helps save money. 

If your healthcare professional charges your insurer on your behalf, it means you only pay the portion of the treatment that isn’t covered by your plan. If you or a member of your family needs regular or multiple treatments, only paying the deductible can help you with budgeting and tracking payments as well as can make it easier to stick to a treatment or rehabilitation plan.

“Our clients seem to really appreciate reduced out-of-pocket expenses and not having to worry about the often tedious health claim submission process, facts that undoubtedly make them more inclined to come back more often,” said Pascal Gagnon, a physiotherapist and the co-owner of Physio Extra. “eClaims makes life easier for our clients and has a positive effect on their adherence to a treatment plan. That’s why I recommend eClaims whole heartedly to all my colleagues.”

3. It helps reduce hassle and paper.

Whether you go for an appointment at a clinic or if your health professional is coming to you, your insurance details are easily entered into eClaims. By the time you’re finished with your treatment, your coverage details are returned and you only have to pay for what isn’t covered by your plan. That’s it. You don’t have any paperwork to complete and mail-in and your provider receives their reimbursement directly from your insurance company.

At your next appointment, ask for direct billing.

Fast and easy payment options are the norm in today’s digital world, whether through the simple tap of a credit or debit card at the grocery store, or the click of a mouse online. The same is now true with health insurance payments. A direct billing service can minimize payment stress and can also help our environment by reducing paper waste and shrinking our carbon footprint.

Need a healthcare professional that offers direct billing? Get the information you need on eClaims and find a health professional near you who offers it.

Learn more about eClaims



Sources: 1  IBID (

2  Survey results were obtained for TELUS Health through PMG Intelligence with 439 eClaims eligible healthcare professional respondents across Canada (January 1 to February 28, 2018).