Men's health: 4 tips to up your moustache game

man with a healthy moustache spending time with his dog

1. Eat Right

Diet can affect the growth of your moustache. Eat a well-balanced diet with a variety of nutrients from whole foods. Avoid packaged and processed items.

2. Exercise

Elevate your heart rate on a daily basis for a healthy moustache! Exercise can temporarily elevate testosterone levels – important for hair growth.

3. Sleep Well

Get your 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Your body uses this time to build, repair and grow. And that includes hair! Also a good night’s sleep helps with stress management. Did you know that stress can cause hair loss?

4. Don’t Smoke

Smoking impairs circulation and blood flow to the hair roots, interfering with hair growth. Smoking can also dull hair colour resulting in a grey, wispy ‘stache!

Discover 3 steps that can help you quit smoking for good!

  1. Choose a specific date to stop smoking, mark it in your calendar. Write down the reasons why you want to quit and plan new activities to keep your hands & mind busy. Ask friends and family members to support you, and make concrete plans to push smoking out of your life for good.

  2. If you would like to include medications as part of your quitting strategy, consult your physician to discuss available options. Join a support program and contact a counselor.

  3. On the appointed day, cease smoking completely. Throw cigarettes, cigars and ashtrays away and stay away from places that you associate with smoking - even if it is your favorite lazyboy. Stay positive, celebrate your success, and take things one day at a time. If you try and do not succeed the first time - do not give up. Try again.

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