Get to know the TELUS Health team: Mijana Germanski

Whether it’s from the TELUS office, the home office, or a TELUS Health medical clinic – our team members are leveraging TELUS’ world-leading technology in combination with their passion and expertise to find ways to support the health and wellbeing of individuals, all with the goal of building healthier communities and workplaces around the world. 

Meet Mijana Germanski, Marketing Manager for TELUS Health Retirements and Benefits Solutions. Her role is to find innovative ways communicate to organizations about how TELUS Health’s RBS solutions are improving the financial health and wellbeing of organizations and employees around the world.

Interview with Mijana: 

Q: Mijana, can you start by telling us what inspired you to join TELUS Health? And how long you’ve been a part of the team?

A: I was originally a part of the LifeWorks team supporting the retirement consulting practice prior to the acquisition. I am also what many call a “boomerang” as I used to work for the organization when they were Morneau Shepell from 2014-2016. It’s been just over two years since I’ve “boomeranged” my way back and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve had my fair share of working for various organizations and what drove me to TELUS Health was the focus on impact. I truly feel, through my marketing efforts that I am impacting not only my internal colleagues in growing our professional relationships, but also our external audience by providing valuable education and insights into the amazing things our line of business is doing alongside others. 

Q: It’s rewarding to know that through your marketing efforts, you’re improving the financial wellbeing of employees and organizations across the world. What would you say your favourite part of your role is?

A: The amazing colleagues that I have as well as the richness of information that I continue to learn every day. 

Q: Our colleagues certainly make our roles rewarding! How do you think that the Retirement and Benefits portfolio of services is positively impacting the lives of individuals?

A: My goal is to create stories through our marketing initiatives that ultimately empower organizations to feel confident about the decisions they are making for their employees. Whether that be mental, physical, financial or overall total health, the work I do on a daily basis with my colleagues is always done with the objective to help these organizations achieve the best employee wellbeing experience. 

Q: Ensuring that employees have the best wellbeing experience is one of TELUS Health’s key priorities. How else do you feel that you and your team are helping achieve TELUS Heath’s ultimate goal of creating healthier workplaces and communities?

A: For over five decades, our retirement and benefit administration services have helped improve  financial health and wellbeing for thousands of organizations and their employees. My role has allowed me to go above and beyond in delivering impactful marketing initiatives that have helped to establish innovative, sustainable, and flexible services for our clients and their working communities. 

Q: Finally, Mijana, how do TELUS’ values resonate with you, and support your personal health and wellbeing? 

I am being very honest when I say that I have never felt more balanced than I do right now. By working at TELUS Health, I feel respected as a professional but also as a mother who has two “little friends” that keep her very busy. TELUS Health continues to lead with purpose, and I’ve never felt more connected to an organization’s vision than I do here. It’s been a journey to find my calling but I truly feel that it is here.