Get to know the TELUS Health team: Aiden Maschmeyer-Tombs

Every day – whether it’s from the TELUS office, or the home office – our team members are leveraging TELUS’ world-leading technology in combination with their passion and expertise to find innovative ways to support the health and wellbeing of individuals. They do this with one goal in mind: to build healthier communities and workplaces around the world.

We’re proud of the work our team does, and we want you to get to know the faces behind TELUS Health. Meet Aiden, he’s the Manager of Operations for TELUS Health MyCare - our free app that provides Canadians with virtual access to physicians, mental health professionals, and dietitians. His role focuses on supporting the team members that provide post-consult care for patients. 

Interview with Aiden:

Q: Thanks for chatting with us today, Aiden. Can you tell us a bit more about what inspired you to join the TELUS Health team?


A: I have been a member of the TELUS Health team for just over 3 years now and it has been an amazing journey. I was inspired by TELUS Health’s mission to make healthcare more accessible for Canadians in all corners of our country. At the time, I hadn’t had a family doctor since I was a kid. I relied heavily on MyCare, the super accessible service TELUS Health was providing to Canadians – even pre-covid. I imagined ways I could help in their mission with my experience in operations and I knew it was the right fit from my very first day.


Q: It’s really cool that being a patient with TELUS Health MyCare was a factor in inspiring you to join the team. What is your favourite part about your role?


A: My favourite part of my role is that I get to see the impact that the team has on Canadians every single day. From helping navigate a complex referral, to talking a patient through a tough time in their life, I get to see it all. I also get to see the development of our people, where they get to take the first hand experience they have gained from working with patients to any other role at TELUS. It really does provide you with a different perspective on things. 

You mentioned that you were also inspired to join the team by the prospect of increasing access to health services for Canadians. Now that you’re in the job, how do you feel that your work is positively impacting the lives of individuals?

Through the work that my team does, we are able to provide care to Canadians through our MyCare app. Gone are the days where you need to commute to the doctor’s office just to get a simple prescription. The app also provides flexibility for those who live in rural and underserved communities, and helps them get access to the medical care they need. We also provide allied health services such as counseling through our platform, which allows patients to connect from the comfort of their own home, or a space where they feel most comfortable. 


Q: MyCare truly is increasing access to care for people in Canada. How else do you feel your team is fulfilling TELUS Health’s overarching goal of creating healthier workplaces and communities? 


My team plays an instrumental role in creating healthier communities. I would bet that if you asked someone in your community if they have been helped or know someone who has been helped by a member of the TELUS Health MyCare team, chances are high that their answer will be yes. The team works tirelessly to get Canadians the care they need, where and when they need it. I could not be more proud of my team and the work they do.


Q: Finally, how do TELUS’ values - like our social purpose, workstyles policy, etc – resonate with you and support your personal health and wellbeing?


I have never worked for a company like TELUS in terms of the support they provide when it comes to your personal wellbeing. Through the extensive health benefits, which includes significant mental health support to the workstyles program which provides flexibility in terms of working from home or the office.  The support is unmatched -- even working from home, I have always felt very much part of a team. 


Curious to learn about other members of our team? Get to know Paula Allen, who leads TELUS Health’s Business and Client insights group.