To young patients and anxious parents, Dr. Dina is a hero

Being sick is never fun – especially for a child. Dr. Dina Kulik, a pediatrician and emergency medical physician, and a TELUS Health EMR user, is committed to making a doctor’s visit less unsettling for young patients, and more comforting for their concerned parents.

“There’s a certain vulnerability to child medicine that I was really drawn to,” she says. The busy mother of four young boys says she has wanted to be a “kid doctor” since the age of three. She sees 80 patients a day and Dr. Dina wouldn’t have it any other way. “Every day is crazy – I like being crazy busy. I like organized chaos.”

With 30,000 active patients, and seemingly boundless energy, Dr. Dina practices five days a week, and is at SickKids hospital two days a week. In addition, Dr. Dina is featured on City TV and Global News health segments and she also maintains videos, blog and websites all focused on kids’ health.

Get to know Dr. Dina.

When Dr. Dina was pregnant with her youngest child, she had an idea to create an inviting medical space for children with everything under one roof dedicated to kids’ health. She founded Kidcrew, a modern, multidisciplinary clinic that provides children with comprehensive, collaborative care – from pediatrics to neurology to allergies to sports medicine and everything in between.

Not only does the clinic offer all-encompassing healthcare, it offers a bright, colourful and entertaining space that young patients actually want to visit. “I saw myself as a mom with my child at a clinic. It’s hard to be a kid just waiting your turn for the exam room. At Kidcrew, children are begging their parents to come back.”

While she may not see herself as a hero, Dr. Dina’s patients sure do. She uses every skill possible to help her young patients feel better and live their best lives. One parent put it best when she said, “Dr. Dina is a wonder woman. There’s no one else like her.”