The future of healthcare is collaborative


Our healthcare system is being challenged in every way possible. The pandemic has taught us much about the importance of communicating across care teams, the value of sharing information and the need to keep patients informed.

It’s time to re-think the EMR.

While medical professionals are used to collaborating with their colleagues, enabling true, successful collaboration between medical teams and their patients means moving from a system of record-keeping to a system of engagement. 

Healthcare technology is evolving to allow physicians, specialists and the entire care team to work synergistically on patient concerns.

New technology places patients at the centre – engaging them in their care experience through tools like e-booking, automated reminders, encrypted messaging, and digital health questionnaires.

Through shared data, providers have ready access to the information they need, freeing them to focus on the patient, giving them a bigger picture of care. 

The power of collaborative care.

During the 2021 PriMED event, Dr. Puneet Seth, a practicing family physician and Managing Principal at TELUS Health, discussed collaboration in the context of the health records. 

Learn about how TELUS Health is bringing clinicians and their practices into the new age of collaborative care through EMR-integrated tools and the Collaborative Health Record (CHR) – an all-in-one digital healthcare solution.