Pets of TELUS: Meet Emma

A Pets of TELUS takeover, featuring team member, Clare Adams, and her family’s furry member, Emma.

Emma is our family’s four-year-old Cavachon (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel-Bichon Frise cross) who thinks she’s a German Shepherd-Malamute, like her big brother, Storm. Emma adores Storm, and is at her happiest when running after him on a trail or trying to swim with him in a lake — oblivious to the fact her white coat and little legs are the legacy of breeds more adapted to being lap dogs!

Emma is very motivated by food and is known to regularly take Storm’s food or treats from him without repercussion — yes, he’s a big softie! As her mum, who also happens to be the Channel Manager for TELUS Health MyPet, I was thrilled to try out the new Wellbeing service to support Emma’s food compulsion.

TELUS Health MyPet offers virtual consultations with veterinarians and Registered Veterinary Technicians (vet techs). During a Wellbeing consultation, vet techs can assist with behavioural and health maintenance concerns such as housetraining, grooming, nutrition and post-surgical care. Healthcare consultations with a veterinarian can cover everything vet techs can, plus assess your pet’s health, diagnose illnesses, prescribe medications, and develop treatment plans.

I was already passionate about our TELUS vet service and how we’re removing barriers to pet care for cats and dogs across B.C. and Ontario. However, I was blown away by the insights that the Wellbeing consultation provided for our family.

The vet tech taught us that some of Emma’s behaviour was about dominance rather than food, and they provided nine practical tips to help address our concerns. Within a few days, we noticed a significant difference in her food aggression, and I can now give Storm a treat in front of Emma without her lunging to take it from him.

With the TELUS Health MyPet app, you can book a video consultation with a pet expert without leaving the comfort of home. Download the app today.