Meet the pharmacists behind your Virtual Pharmacy

After we launched our new digital health service in January, we thought you might want to get to know some of the friendly faces who help power TELUS Health Virtual Pharmacy. While you may connect with our team members virtually, there are real people behind our app that are dedicated to supporting the health of you and your family - from coast to coast.



They’re on the other end of video chats and phone calls, helping patients understand their prescriptions. They’re carefully pre-dosing medications for MedPack deliveries, staying up-to-date on the latest therapies by attending conferences, and taking courses in order to help deliver the best possible pharmacy care to people in Canada.

While these team members spend many of their work hours supporting the health of you and your family, they also have hobbies and interests. We invite you to join us to learn more about your Virtual Pharmacy teams’ careers, what they value most about Virtual Pharmacy, plus, a personal passion that makes them tick. 

Rachel Patel - Headshot

Meet Rachel Patel, TELUS Health’s Ontario Pharmacy

How long have you been a pharmacist?

I have been a practicing pharmacist for 25 years.

What drew you to this career?

As a teenager, I worked for a local pharmacy as a cashier. One afternoon, the pharmacist was so busy that she recruited me to help out by counting tablets and labeling medication vials. I became interested in how the medications worked, and it prompted me to learn more about them and how they help people feel better. It has been my passion since then.

What do you love most about Virtual Pharmacy?

Virtual Pharmacy allows patients to speak to their pharmacist privately, from the comfort of home. Patients can interact with their pharmacist exclusively, which allows them to ask questions openly and without discretion. In this way, we are able to build strong and trusting relationships with the Virtual Pharmacy platform.

What's an interesting fact about you?

I love tennis.


Meet Brian Lee, TELUS Health’s British Columbia Pharmacy

How long have you been a pharmacist?

I’ve been a pharmacist for 16 years.

What drew you to this career?

I have always been fascinated with pharmacology and how drugs work in the body. I also come from a large family of pharmacists.

What do you love most about Virtual Pharmacy?

I enjoy being able to interact with a varied demographic of patients from big cities to small rural communities. I also love the innovative aspect of our website and app, and the fact that we ship directly to our patients, which is so convenient for them.

What's an interesting fact about you?

I enjoy adventuring to the small islands of BC to experience nature and indulge in local cuisine. (I often choose the most outrageous item on a menu to try).


Meet Joyce Adegbite, TELUS Health’s Manitoba Pharmacy

How long have you been a pharmacist?

I have been a pharmacist for over 30 years now.

What drew you to this career?

The biggest thing that drew me to this career is the ability to help ensure great health outcomes. I’m able to help improve medication adherence in patients, communicate all possible interactions with other medications and conditions, and effectively evaluate many factors that might affect my patients’ ability to take their medications correctly.

What do you love most about Virtual Pharmacy?

I love that we are able to offer accessible, in-depth pharmacy care to patients with limited mobility and those living in remote areas.

What's an interesting fact about you?

I love pineapples. 

Meet Jason Dong, TELUS Health’s British Columbia Pharmacy

How long have you been a pharmacist?

I’ve been a pharmacist for 27 years.

What drew you to this career?

I like that I'm a member of a team that strives to make a difference in the healthcare of my community.

What do you love most about Virtual Pharmacy?

I love the variety of work there is to do in our Virtual Pharmacy setting. From connecting with patients over the phone and video, to dosing medications, to continuing to learn how I can support patients better through further education and conferences.

What's an interesting fact about you?

I'm a new charcoal barbeque enthusiast.


Meet Eric Sidharta, TELUS Health’s Ontario Pharmacy

How long have you been a pharmacist?

I have been a pharmacist for about 10 years.

What drew you to this career?

I have always been interested in both the medical and business fields, and I felt that pharmacy is at the intersection of those two areas. I enjoy helping people, so it felt like a good career choice for me.

What do you love most about Virtual Pharmacy?

I love that Virtual Pharmacy has made it accessible and convenient for patients to receive excellent care, and how it is helping enhance efficiencies when it comes to pharmaceutical care.

What's an interesting fact about you?

I love travelling and have hiked a glacier in Iceland.


Virtual Pharmacy is an important part of TELUS Health’s vision to help build a more accessible, connected and efficient healthcare system for all Canadians.

It’s free to join, and you can get started today.