Meet Kal Rahimi, pharmacist using Kroll

Today, we thank Kal Rahimi and the team at Pure Integrative Pharmacy Group in Vancouver, B.C. 

As a pharmacist and Director of Operations for the Pure Integrative Pharmacy Group, Kal leads a team spread over 18 pharmacies in the Vancouver area. The Pure team is dedicated to challenging the status quo of the conventional pharmacy model by integrating the best of all evidence-based modalities of medicine in a way that optimizes the health and wellness of their clients.

This means that in addition to pharmaceutical medications, pharmacists at Pure Integrative Pharmacy Group also look at supplements, nutrition, and lifestyle measures, in developing a unique care plan for their clients.* 

“We believe that this multi-faceted approach lays the foundation for not just treating illness, but preventing future illness as well.” 

Part of creating a better patient experience for Kal and his team, means making time to connect with patients.  “Our pharmacists strive to offer integrity and a personalized pharmacy experience where we listen to, inspire, and empower our clients to take control of their health and enjoy greater vitality, safely and sustainably.” says Kal. 


Online-tools for better patient experience

With this desire to spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on direct patient care, Pure Integrative Pharmacy Group decided to implement PharmaConnect™, a patient mobile and online service to order medication refills and book appointments offered by TELUS Health fully integrated with Kroll.

The Pure Integrative Pharmacy Group team chose a fully white-labelled and customized version to match the Pure Integrative Pharmacy Group brand version of PharmaConnect to maximise the patient experience. The team found the implementation to be easy and valued the fact that the tool allows patients the freedom to manage their medication refills and appointments – and gives the pharmacy team the freedom to better manage their workday. Most importantly, they appreciate the fact that patients can now take control of their health, on their terms, connecting with members of the Pure Pharmacy team when necessary.


Going above and beyond

“We know that the key to providing the highest level of care is spending one-on-one time with all of our clients to get to the root of their health concerns,” says Kal. 

“What can I do to add value to my patient care?”  This very question is what led him to help make a difference in the life of a female patient struggling with mental health symptoms and a lack of energy. Her doctor said all her bloodwork was fine, yet she continued to deal with fatigue and lingering mental health issues, so Kal dug deeper. He asked about food sensitivities, bloating, allergies, genetics, and hormones. Her answers led Kal to believe something was off with her testosterone levels, so he recommended she get a second opinion. After she met with another doctor, she discovered Kal’s intuition was accurate. Once prescribed the proper medication, the patient was starting to feel better only a week later- all thanks to Kal’s holistic approach to healthcare. 


Empowering patients to take control of their health

Kal looks at every possible healthcare solution available to educate and show people how else they can get help. He believes it’s vital for patients to pursue their care, to be educated on their medications, what it is doing, what options they have, and finally, he stresses the importance of listening to your doctor and knowing when to ask questions and discuss their advice in-depth. "The best patient outcomes are created when patients are empowered to play a role in their own healthcare,” he says. The team at Pure Integrative Pharmacy has shown this through their dedication to inspire and educate patients on how to take control of their health by enabling them to use an online tool to manage their medication refills and appointments. 

“The more you know about your health and healthcare, the healthier you’ll be.” 

Kal’s story is just one example of how pharmacists make a difference in the lives of their communities. Kroll is here to support you and all pharmacists across the country in making the future healthier. Visit the TELUS Health Pharmacist Stories webpage to read other stories of pharmacists working hard to make the future healthier. 

Click here if you wish to learn more about Pure Integrative Pharmacy Group or to learn more about online possibilities for patients, visit the PharmaConnect webpage or contact sales


* Consultations by pharmacists in British Columbia are required by law.