Getting down to the business of health

Plan sponsors are increasingly seeing the strong value equation that connects a healthy workforce to healthy organizational performance, as they incorporate wellness into their broader workforce strategies.

This focus on health is more holistic than in the past, including employees, but also the overall state of cultural and organizational health—all of which require crucial buy-in at the most senior levels.

The fourth annual TELUS Health Executive Roundtable met in late January 2020, before the extraordinary impacts of the coronavirus pandemic could be anticipated. While the findings don’t address our still-undefined “new normal” some of the discussion points offer key guideposts for moving forward, including:

  • A broadening definition of wellness that goes beyond physical and mental, wellbeing to include financial and social health
  • Why mental health is the nexus for overall personal wellness
  • How technology must take a back seat to human experience
  • The value of building an ecosystem that addresses overall wellness, including pharmacogenetic testing, financial planning, spending accounts and personalized recommendations
  • The importance of allied practitioners, such as pharmacists, who are in the trenches and able to move the needle on behavioural change

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