5 ways a pharmacist can help you manage diabetes

If you have diabetes, it's important to work with a healthcare team to manage your condition and prevent complications. Your pharmacist can play a key role in helping you stay healthy by providing advice on medications, monitoring your health, and more.

Here are 5 ways your pharmacist can help you manage diabetes:

1. Reviewing your medications.

Your pharmacist can review all of your medications (including over-the-counter drugs and supplements) to make sure they are safe for you to take and that they are working properly. They can also check for any potential drug interactions. And as part of your care team, your pharmacists can collaborate with your physician to assist your diabetic therapies, medication management, nutrition, lifestyle adjustments, and much more. Pharmacists can have a substantially positive impact on the care for patients living with diabetes. 


2. Monitoring your health.

Your pharmacist can help monitor your blood sugar levels and blood pressure to ensure they remain within a healthy range. They can also provide advice on lifestyle changes that may help improve your health.


3. Helping you manage diabetes complications.

Pharmacists can help to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes complications, but if you develop any complications from diabetes (such as nerve damage or kidney disease), your pharmacist can work with you to manage these conditions and minimize the impact they have on your life through medication therapy.


4. Providing vaccine advice.

Your pharmacist can advise you on which vaccines you need to stay healthy and help prevent complications from diabetes. For example, people with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing pneumonia, so it's important to get the pneumococcal vaccine.


5. Answering your questions.

Your pharmacist is a great resource for answering any questions you have about diabetes or your medications. They can also provide information on community resources that may be helpful to you.


If you have diabetes, talk to your pharmacist about how they can help you manage your condition and stay healthy. You can download the Virtual Pharmacy app and get started today.