Resource Centre - TELUS Health

The role of learning in building a resilient workforce

Written by TELUS Health | May 15, 2024

In this new world of work, the pace of change is always accelerating, making upskilling crucial to help maintain an effective, engaged and resilient workforce. 

Workforce resilience stems from having a workplace culture that champions continuous learning and training, and arms employees with the skills they need to be satisfied and productive at work, and adaptable to meet future challenges head on.  

How to fuel resilience while minimizing attrition

According to the TELUS Mental Health Index, 21 per cent of workers say they’re considering leaving their job, adding to the acute skills gap that is plaguing Canadian companies

One of the ways to help turn the tide is to invest in employee development and training. A lack of recognition and opportunities for growth could lead to disengagement and a new job hunt. Employees who feel their skills are not being put to good use in their current job are 10x more likely to be looking for a new job. But 45 per cent of employees say they'd stay longer at companies that invest in their learning and development.

By providing resources employees need to be productive and feel satisfied and relevant, companies are not just addressing the talent gap, but also building organizational resiliency with teams that are well equipped to face adversity and change. 

Make continuous learning the new normal

If companies are going to move forward into a sustainable future, they should implement a skills-based strategy that includes on-going widespread learning.

Upskilling should begin at the leadership level, where managers receive training to be champions of the new culture of learning, provide mentorship, and foster a sense of community at work.

Organizations should promote skill development and empower their people to learn and grow with programs and learning modalities that fit their schedule and learning styles, such as self-paced online courses, webinars, and virtual conferences.  

Working with specialized consultants can provide the expertise to upskill your workforce strategically by recommending the learning options that make sense for your teams.

TELUS Health Learning offers a number of solutions that can help support leaders in becoming mental health champions, build resilient workforces, and set organizations up for long-term success. For example, the Brave leadership mental health certificate program provides people leaders with a foundational understanding of mental health so that they can become champions of supportive mental health in the workplace.  Additionally, the microlearning format, available for groups and individuals, allows participants to approach workplace learning at their own pace, improving comprehension and retention.

With training programs ranging from building core leadership skills to mental health in the workplace, TELUS Health Learning can be your partner in nurturing talent and building a resilient workforce that is ready to help you reach your vision for the future.