Resource Centre - TELUS Health

How this clinic upped its game with TELUS Health eClaims

Written by TELUS Health | March 18, 2024

Put yourself in the shoes of a typical, busy person on a Wednesday afternoon. 

You leave the office an hour early to head to your physiotherapy appointment in hopes of relieving your sore back – just in time to pick up the kids from school on the way home.

Or maybe you’ve just got a lot on your plate: looming deadlines at work, aging parents requiring care and attention. Your massage appointment is one of the only moments in the week you have for yourself.

Imagine that upon leaving your appointment, you didn’t have to file a claim with your insurance company – or – pay for the cost of your appointment upfront.

How would you feel? Delighted.

And that’s how the clients at MVT+ integrated sports medicine clinic in Montreal feel because of TELUS Health eClaims.



Meet Dalonn

Dalonn is the owner of MVT+ clinic, a clinic that specializes in physiotherapy, sports massage therapy, osteopathy, and kinesiology. Dalonn sees his practice as a community clinic, and places a lot of emphasis on ensuring his clients feel comfortable.

“Whenever you come to the clinic you’re welcomed as part of the family, we really want to make sure our clients get the best service possible, and that’s why we decided to implement TELUS Health eClaims.”  

TELUS Health eClaims is a direct billing service that allows both clinics and eligible individual practitioners to quickly and easily submit claims to insurers. The service covers the majority of privately insured Canadians, and is available at no-cost to practitioners. In fact, over 80,000 practitioners are already using eClaims in Canada.

eClaims is a win-win for both clinics and practitioners, and for clients.  

How eClaims benefits clients

With eClaims, clients avoid paying out-of-pocket for services covered by their insurance – and they also don’t have to submit receipts online and wait for reimbursement. 

 “It’s easy to use” says Dalonn, “within one click you see the remaining amount a client has to pay. The customer goes home, they don’t have to worry about anything, and they don’t have to do the claim.”

When expenses are transmitted from clinic to insurer, rather than from clinic, to client, to insurer – your clients save time. In fact, 75 per cent of Canadians with private health insurance say that eClaims enhances their overall experience during a visit to a paramedical professional – and 60 -per cent of Canadians also say that they would consider changing healthcare providers to benefit from the eClaims service.

What does time saved for clients translate to for your clinics? It could mean increased loyalty and repeat clients. 

How eClaims benefits clinics

When clients are delighted with their experience at a clinic, they’re more likely to return, which is great for business. But the benefits of eClaims don’t stop there. Dalonn emphasized that another benefit of eClaims is reduced credit card fees at his clinic.

In addition to reduced credit card fees, the benefits of eClaims also include increased visibility for your clinic or practice by appearing in the eClaims provider search tool.

“Whether you’re self employed, or part of a big clinic, I really encourage everyone to go with eClaims by TELUS Health. It gives you more time to focus on what truly matters to you, which is your client, your mission, your vision, your business philosophy.”

“For me, it’s a no brainer”, he says.

Ready to offer eClaims?

Register for eClaims

With 94 per cent of healthcare professionals using eClaims recommending it to their peers1, join Dalonn, MVT+ and the 80,000 other healthcare professionals in Canada who are delighting their patients with direct billing. eClaims is free, sign up today





1. Research done between March 22 and April 10th 2023 by TELUS Health and Callosum with 1600 eClaims users across Canada.